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Welcome Everyone!

Welcome Everyone!

In this blog space on my wine store I will be posting tasting updates, wine facts, anecdotes and general information relating to wine and to Barrel Thief.com. I also welcome any customer feedback or wine photos of interest that you would care to submit.

To begin I suppose it would be good to give you a little sense of time and place. I am here, in Napa CA toward the end of January 2013. It is surprisingly nice weather, which has encouraged an early mustard bloom in the vineyards, and should make for decent working conditions for the pruners who are now swarming the vines.

Even though there are no leaves on the vines right now the vineyards are particularly beautiful this time of year. The grass in between the rows is an vivid green, and the low cumulus clouds give the sky an amazing depth.
Jack London Vineyard

As you might have noticed, I’m a long way from a professional photographer, so I apologize  for not doing justice.

This is the famous Jack London Vineyard on top of Sonoma Mountain in Glen Ellen. This was part of his original estate. Kenwood Winery makes some excellent cabs and zins from this vineyard that I hope to offer to you soon.

Chanterelle mushrooms

I took this photo earlier in the month when I was in Glen Ellen Hunting for Chanterelle mushrooms - which grow in wild abundance just above the ridge pictured above.

Few things go better with Burgundy! Maybe truffles…

Winter in the Northern California wine country

The wine country isn’t so miserable in the winter. In fact- it’s a little quieter around town and in the tasting rooms. Service in the restaurants is slightly less harried…Were I planning a trip here, I would seriously consider coming at this time of the year.

So that’s a little about where I am. I'd like to thank everyone for their patience. It’s been more difficult to get this project put together than I originally thought, but it should be coming together soon. Stay tuned for more products for sale, more Steals of the Month (February will be a good one!) and expanded blog content.

        _Oliver Knill

Oliver Knill January 26, 2013 4 tags (show)

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